Thursday, May 30, 2013

I'm back!

Hello again! Remember me? Yes, I know. It's been awhile. Well, lots has been going on.... First of all, I moved! I'm living in Greensboro, North Carolina. And as I sit here typing in my living room in the sweltering heat, I. am. loving. it. I missed warmth so much in San Francisco. Sigh... It is AMAZING what a change of weather can do for your health and sanity. Anyways, I have been here since the beginning of March and I have been given the wonderful privilege and opportunity of working from home, so now I can write more! Yay! And now that it's been a few months and I'm finally getting my act together, I am starting up my blog again and working on my book. The goal is to write at least one blog post every other week and of course work on my book every week. I'm also still writing movie reviews for Catholic World Report (my Star Trek review should be published in the next few days! Stay tuned!). I know my book deadline has come and gone, but God made it abundantly clear that I needed to get my life in order and find some happiness first. So. That's exactly what I'm doing.

Now that I have moved back to the South, I am reconnecting with my roots and some parts of me I may have lost while out in California. It's like a breath of fresh air. I am where I want/need to be, I am doing what I want to do, I am dating a great guy, and I am blessed with a job I enjoy that also happens to feed and clothe me and keep me from living in a cardboard box. Raise your hand if you're a fan of sleeping indoors! I've also been working on my health by going to see a doctor for the first time in oh... I don't know... probably 5 years or so. I joined a Zumba class. (Sidenote: for those you who don't know what Zumba is... just Youtube it. You might get a chuckle imagining me shaking my oh so non-latin hips like that.) My spiritual health is also being renewed. I'm trying to get into a better prayer schedule, doing some spiritual reading, and some adoration. I've also joined my church choir. Basically, I'm resetting. I'm trying to start over and realize who I really am and not who I thought I was or who anybody else thought I was. Maybe it's my mid-twenties crisis... heck, who knows. Whatever it is, it's happening. God's will be done.

And all of this is just to say that I'm back! Meryl Moments are back in full swing... and I plan on writing what I want, whether it's little thoughts like this, short stories, poems, or a sentence. I'm going to do it. I can't get better at anything unless I practice, right? Speaking of... I'm learning French too! So, look out world, cuz... Backstreet's back! ALRIGHT! Ahem...