Thursday, December 13, 2012

On the loss of brilliance

The world really has lost its sense of brilliance. All anybody does is throw insults at the other or scream about how stupid/liberal/conservative everybody is, or how God doesn't exist, or my life sucks, or fairy tales are full of it, blah blah blah blah blah blah, whine whine whine...

Why aren't there intelligent conversations about the essence of beauty? The real meaning of love? Why don't we discuss great pieces of literature... not the horrors that are known as 'literature' today (aka Twilight, Fifty Shades of Gray, etc)? Why don't we talk about the lives of great historical figures instead of the latest Jersey Shore drama? (Could someone please explain that obsession...because I really don't understand how someone with half a brain stem could watch that for five minutes without slitting their wrists.) Has the world really been degraded to this? 

I'd like to recall people back to their humanity. Put down your smartphones, iPads, laptops, pagers...whatever you kids use these days... and pick up a book! Read Tolstoy or Dickens or Lewis or Tolkien! Strike up a conversation with your coworker on the meaning of life. Start using your intelligence! Go out and watch the stars at night instead of plugging into Netflix. Write in your journal. Talk to a friend you've been meaning to catch up with. Whoa... here's a good one... pray

Life is short, but it is beautiful. Don't waste it. Sometimes it means taking some risks or being rejected or hated or lost... but it also means having adventures, laughing, crying, loving, eating, talking, tripping, skipping, flipping, living. I'd like to close my little rant with a quote, ""Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all."-Ten points to Gryffindor if anyone can guess where it's from! 

Megan, you can't answer... 

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh, Meryl, so on point and relevant to the world we see around us! grrr. Hi, btw! And congrats on the upcoming move, so excited for you. :)
